Friday, 23 October 2015


You guys might all know the story of how I was giving my grandmothers dog a bath, the dog got out all soaped up, shook and got the floor wet and soapy and after I got her back in the tub, I reached over a little too far and slipped into the tub.

Because of my slip into the bathtub, I have an injured thumb on my right hand.

I'm a right handed person.

I'm currently wearing a splint all day, except for when I go to sleep, that stabilizes my thumb and my wrist because doctors are worried that I broke/fractured a small bone that is found right below the thumb.

Because I'm wearing this brace, I can't really write with my right hand.

I've been able to get away with it for most classes, but I can't get away for it in math class.

I can't take many notes because I'm either 
a) writing them with my right hand until it starts to cramp up
b) using my left hand and going too slow because I'm trying to make it readable that I miss half of the examples on the board.

I've more so been taking picture of the notes that are on the board instead for trying to write them down.

Today, I had a math assessment, but my teacher wasn't there; we had a substitute.

I really didn't feel like explaining to her why I was the only one in the class to be looking at their phone while do one else is.

Because of this, I spent a whole 80 minute period struggling to write on my math sheet and do my work.

By the end of the class, I was still trying my best so she came over to see how things were going.

I was so frustrated with myself with my writing because I got myself confused. My 4's looked like 9's, my my 5's like S's, my 2's and my 7's and more, they all started to look the same.

The sub finally looked at my hands, but there was nothing that could've been done differently, it was too late.

In the end, we should never be ashamed to make healthy choices to help us heal, be able to do everything that we would normally do and to help you live a life where you don't feel as though you're an inconvenience.

One More Girl, no longer online

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