Wednesday, 31 December 2014

One More Blog On The Internet

I've been internally debating whether I wanted to start this blog or not for ages.

Why, you might be asking yourself?

Do you ever get the feeling when you have so many emotions and thoughts boiling up inside you that if one more problem is added on, you’ll be like one of those kettles with the steam pouring and screeching out the sides? But once the screeching starts, you try to be fast to make it stop? That’s how I deal with a lot of things, I try to cover it up and end it quickly.

You all might be thinking “Why don’t you just have a diary? Why do you want to post all of this on the internet forever?”

I did once try to maintain a diary, but it never worked. It would always be about pointless events that happened in my day. Not anything from the way I truly felt, in worry that my family might find it and read it.

I feel as though if I started this blog, I would have motivation to write, knowing that someone might be reading this and being able to read what I write.

This is why my blog will forever be anonymous.

I won’t have to worry about who’s reading this-whether its family or friends, and I have complete freedom to write about whatever comes to mind and how I truly think about certain things.

I really hope that I can write about something that other teenagers like me could relate to. A place where we can all take off the masks we wear and are able to be ourselves, a blog where someone can learn something, where I can help other people, and where I can maybe inspire people.

But if that never happens, it doesn't matter. I’m just one more girl online.
I hope this was an alright introduction for my blog. Thanks for reading and I also hope that some of you are interested in what I might have to say later on.

One More Girl, no longer online


  1. Hey! I really like you blog. Especially because you are so honest! I also have a new blog:
