Wednesday, 25 March 2015

I'm Back!

Hey everyone! I got back from my vacation in Jamaica Monday evening, and it really was great.

I got to do a lot which I'm extremely grateful for. I went to a crocodile farm (I'm not joking, the tour guide kissed one), went to YS Falls (a beautiful swimming area where theres about three or four different places to swim in and there's one main waterfall and then a few small ones which trickle into the different swimming areas), the Appleton Rum factory and horseback riding.

I got loads of pictures and I'm still debating if I want to post them on here or not. I'll probably end up deciding by the end of the week, so keep a look out for a new "Pictures" page that I might create, no promises though.

The resort I stayed at was really nice and all of the staff was so kind, food was great, beach and sunsets were beautiful. There really wasn't anything more that I'd expect from the trip.

I got more than I expected.

The next little bit will be slightly embarrassing for me, you might roll your eyes and think "Typical," but there is a reason as to why I'm writing this. Right, are you ready to be annoyed with me? Here it goes:

I met a guy when I was there.

He's my just about my age (slightly older by not even by a year), kind, funny, same state of mind and he was overall easy to talk to. He was the type of person that as soon as you start talking to them, you're dreading the thought of it ending because a conversation could flow so easily between you guys. We only really started talking the last few days of both of our trips, but even then it was fine.

This is the part of the story that get's embarrassing for me and entertaining for you guys.

Where he lives, he's a competitive sailor and our resort had a boat (I sat here pondering the type longer than I should have, so I have finally decided that I have, infact, forgotten what type it was) and he offered to take my sister and I out. By the time we got out, the wind was dead, there was absolutely none, so we decided to go back in.

My sister decided to go swim with our parents, so this guy and I took out two paddleboards and decided to go to this raft not that far out from our resort. It was probably a 500m-800m distance. The raft was the perfect place to go snorkeling and jumping off it, so we had fun jumping a few times.

At one point, he was in the water already and then encouraging me to jump in. (I just want to say that I didn't have a fear of this or anything, I already did it, I was honestly just hesitant to jump because I saw a few fishes.)

I jumped in and when I came back up, he took notice to an extra bracelet I had and he asked me what it was. Treading water, I pulled my wrist up out of the water and looked at him and started to say what it was, but he didn't want to hear it. He grabbed my wrist and my waist and pulled me in for a kiss.

That was my first kiss.

Why was it so bad? Because the second he pulled away, I apologized.

This wasn't a "sorry, this is my first kiss I'm not all that sure what to do," this was a basic response that I didn't even think twice about. Who's mental reaction is it to apologize to the person that just kissed you for the first time?! Obviously, it's mine.

I was there, mortified, but he just kindly laughed and said it was fine and I didn't have anything to be sorry about.

Let's just say that the second one was much better.

Moral of the story?

  • If you have yet to have your first kiss, don't expect for it to be a movie magic moment, it probably won't be. You have every right to picture how you want it to be like, but don't set yourself up for disappointment because made up scenarios and the real thing can be quite different.
  • Although you might not be looking forward for a trip of some sort, you really never know what will happen or who you'll meet, so keep your thoughts open. They don't have to be wide open, maybe just a little crack in the door, but don't shut off the possibilities completely.
  • Don't kiss in deep water where you can't touch. It makes things impossible. It's just not easy.

Would you say that it was a short lived paradise love? Yeah, probably. We are still talking though and I don't know what will come out of it. He lives on literally the other side of the country from me, I probably won't see him for a very long time, maybe not ever again for that matter, but I feel as though that's okay. 

Being in the same state of mind, that gives you someone to talk to when you need it and both of us felt as if we didn't have someone like that to talk to before we started to talk. I might not see him for awhile or ever again, but he's someone to talk to when things get difficult and he knows that I'm there for him if he needs it, and to me, that's pretty special already.

That trip turned out pretty alright for me.

One More Girl, no longer online


  1. I would be sooooooo flushed and embarrassed, but since it's not me,,, THAT IS SUCH AN ADORABLE STORY. And really sad too. I feel like I've seen a movie where that happens. That is so special :)

    1. Hahaha, well thank you! I have to admit that I'm blushing quite hard right now because of your lovely comment.

      I wouldn't say that it's all that sad because we are still talking and could potentially be seeing each other again. I guess it must be the fact that when you know you have a limited number of days with someone, they'll come out and admit that they like you face to face when you're still together. ;)

      I have to agree with you, it does feel really special to me, and although it was rather embarrassing for me, I don't think that I would trade it for the world.

      Also, if you ever do see something like that in a movie, let me know! I would love to watch it. The first movie that came to my mind when I read your comment was Aquamarine, but alas, I'm not a mermaid. Not in real life, anyway. I can always dream :)xx
