Nowadays, out in the real world, it seems as if everyone is hiding who they truly are in order to fit in and meet some imaginary social standard.
This isn't something new to people, many are aware that this is the current situation with people in our lives.
Personally, I find that the reasons as to why people hide their true self are:
1) Because they don't feel comfortable with the people they're around yet. This isn't something that's necessarily bad, but you deserve to have friends that you feel 100% comfortable around. It might take a little time to get there, that's okay, not everyone opens up to reveal who they truly are the moment you become friends.
2) They feel ashamed of who they are, or someone has already put them down for being who they truly are.
Now that second one is not okay at all. Under any circumstance. Period.
Something I hold really close is music, it's something I couldn't live without. When you insult me in my taste in music, on my favourite bands, on concerts I want to attend, it's not even something I could defend myself against because I'm trying to play off that I'm not actually hurt by your words, yet in reality, they feel like scissors cutting out a little piece of me.
That's how I feel when someone insults the most important thing for me, but it could be anything for anyone else. It could be their fashion sense, favourite sport, arts, books, other people, movies, sense of humour. it could be literally anything.
All of those things, they're matter of opinions.
I might like one band when you like another, or I might like comedy movies when you like drama movies.
There's no right or wrong answer, they're all to our preference and what we favour.
I am sick and tired of people being insulted for what they like and they feel the need to hide their true self.
My friends also hold music close to their hearts, yet the enjoy heavier types of music when I like anything from R&B to punk. They would insult me for liking some of the bands I did, so I resorted to only listening to music I knew they liked when I was around them to feel accepted.
I didn't have to do that at all. I was losing something I truly cherished and enjoyed in the exchange of being "cool". I'd much rather have real friends then be viewed as "cool" in their eyes.
It's time that we stop with putting others down for what they enjoy.
What you like to do is part of who you are. Of course it can change at times, but it's still you. As far as I'm concerned, your thoughts and interest are just as much a part of you as your brain, heart, lungs, cells and DNA, so who's there to tell you that it's not important or it's stupid?
I know how hard it is to take off the mask, yet I feel a though if we did, it would be much easier to find our true friends earlier on in our lives.
If you're considered the "good school girl" and you love screamo music, crank it a little louder so everyone in the hallways can hear it.
If you're captain of the football team and love to watch Gossip Girl, talk to someone who also has the same interest in the show.
Why are we helping the stereotypes? It's time to break those and make our own statements.
I would also love to say Happy International Women's Day! You should always be proud of who you are and I'm Proud To Be A Girl.
One More Girl, no longer online
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