Sunday, 14 June 2015

Different Style

I was scrolling through twitter, under the blogger tag and I noticed something that pretty much all the bloggers have in common.

They're either blogging about fashion/beauty, a blog about their kids (is it called a mommy blog?), food, lifestyle, crafts, there are so many blogs out there about so many different things, but I find that they all follow the same main idea.

There’s no one, that I have seen, that has the same type of blog idea that I have on Blogger.

I'm not even sure what category to place my blog under. I guess you could say advice...? Possibly lifes, but I strongly doubt that's what I would qualify under.

Is advice a blog category? I have no idea.

I guess it’s pretty cool being the first on Blogger (that I've seen myself), but when I started this blog, I didn't expect much of it; never would I have thought it to be motivating much less get me nominated for awards by a lovely reader of mine.

I thought my blog was going to be my little corner of the internet. I didn't think that I would have nearly as many readers as I do today, I didn't think that I could inspire people, I thought it was going to be my place to let my thoughts out with a few people who feel the same way sometimes, but I'm glad that it didn't turn into that.

I do still have what would be considered a small amount of readers, but I'm thankful for every single one and I'm honored if I have helped you or inspired you or possibly just gave you a needed distraction for a few minutes.

I have told stories on here that I've never and will never repeat in real life, but on here, there’s no reason for me NOT to share these stories, and who knows? I might make someone’s day better. I might make someone feel a little less alone during a tough situation for them.

Sure, the majority of blogs are owned by people writing about what they like, and that’s perfectly fine! I just wanted to think outside the box a little bit.

So like I mentioned earlier: I don't know if my blog fits into any normal blog categories, I really don't. I'm not even sure how some of you have stumbled across my blog, but either way, I want to thank you all for taking time to read it.

I was terrified when I first started this blog seeing as how I discus problems in my life that I wouldn't dare to say out loud, but now I'm really glad I did. Not only has it helped me, but possibly someone else.

We aren't alone in this world, we don't have to do everything by ourselves. Being able to write this blog makes me feel supported in a sense because I feel as though somebody, no matter where they are in the world, understands how I feel.

If you ever find yourself needing help and don't want to turn to someone you know, feel free to email me at I promise that everything remains anonymous. As some of you might tell from my blog, I'm alright with anonymity.

In the end, no, I don't think that I'm like other blogs. I have a different mindset from the majority that I've seen, but that's okay. I find that there's something so genuine and so great about it.

There's nothing wrong with being a little different.

One More Girl, no longer online

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