I met up with some friends that I only see once a or twice a year and it was nice to be able to see them again.
My parents and I drive down to their summer cottage, and from there we walked down to the beach.
I walked down to the beach with my two friends alone, our parents were a few minutes behind us, and we picked out a spot to set up at.
My friends kind of dropped their stuff in a spot before running in to go swim because the water was really nice, but I decided to sit back for a bit, sunscreen up and enjoy the sun.
I was just setting my bad down, moving a few things over so things weren't thrown all over our little spot in the beach and getting stuff out of my bag when this teen/early 20's girl came over to me.
At first, I thought "Oh no, we did something wrong. Maybe we're too close to where she and her boyfriend are set up, maybe we disturbed them, I don't know, I just hope everything's okay."
She came up to me and said "Hi, I just want to say that I think you're really pretty."
I only had the time to muster up a thank you before she went back to where she was set up with her boyfriend.
I honestly think that that was the first time ever that someone actually came up to me to say that they think that I'm pretty.
It definitely made me feel good, but I also felt a little more confident after that. It was really sweet of her to come up and say that to me.
Having a few jobs, I see a lot of people and I'm constantly meeting new people. A lot of these people are are pretty, nice, have a nice shirt or anything along those lines, but I would never have the courage to go up to someone and tell them that I like their shirt or that I think they're pretty.
I want to change that about me.
I'm working tomorrow and if I see someone wearing a nice shirt or someone who I find pretty, I want to tell them.
It's sweet when your friends compliment you, but there's something different about when it's someone you don't know who compliments you.
It feels more genuine in that way.
Either way, I'm going to try and take a step out of my comfort zone for a positive reason.
Shortly following that, our parents met up with us and we spent the day swimming, relaxing on the beach and just catching up with each other.
After that, we headed back up to their cottage, watched a baseball game on the small TV and had supper.
When we finished supper, my friends wanted me to go on the paddleboat with them. I told them that I would be fine sitting on the shore and watching them, plus I had to leave soon, but they insisted that I go out with them.
They didn't know that I deal with anxiety though.
I'm a very good swimmer; I swam for many years of my life and I'm even a swim teacher now! I'm really comfortable around the water, it's just that this was a black bottom lake meaning that I couldn't see the bottom.
I didn't want to disappoint them so I got in the boat and we started to go out.
I felt really uncomfortable and anxious. The boat was so close to the water and I couldn't see the bottom of the lake and it freaked me out. I started to feel as though I was going to be sick and my breathing changed a little bit.
One of my friends noticed and told the other one to head back in to shore. They asked me what was wrong but I didn't feel as though I could answer without being sick or crying a bit.
When we got to shore, they didn't pressure me into telling them anything and I was thankful for that.
I did tell them, though, because I felt like they deserved to know. I've been friends with them for years and I knew that I could trust them.
Either way, no matter what the scenario is, you should never feel pressured into doing something. Especially when your friends are involved.
If they insist you do something, say that you don't want to do it with a little more authority in your voice and maybe they'll understand.
If they don't forget it. If you don't feel safe or comfortable, do whatever it takes to make you feel so. Real friends shouldn't put you in that position.
If you're like me and afraid to disappoint your friends, remember to not disappoint yourself above all.
It was really nice to spend the day with them, like I mentioned I don't see them often and I really enjoyed the day except for that little paddleboat incident.
However, even with that, I still had a nice day.
One More Girl, no longer online
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