Sunday, 16 August 2015

Take The Time To Relax

I know that I have the biggest softball tournament of the year coming up in about a week and I still have a bad ankle, but when my friend asked me to sub for him and teach swimming lessons, I couldn't refuse.

In the facility I work in, there's a rule that states teachers have to leave their work sheets at the pool in case an emergency comes up and you can't make it in, someone can cover your shift and know what to teach the kids.

My friend doesn't leave his stuff there, everyone knows it but it's not really been a problem until recently.

Awhile back ago, I had to write his report cards for him because he didn't leave his stuff at the facility and no one could get ahold of him to see if he did them or not.

I stayed back to do them, an good thing I did because he never did them.

I got a text from him today asking if I could sub for him today, and as I mentioned before, I agreed.

I asked him what the classes were and where the worksheets/lesson plans were, but I didn't get all the information.

He told me the levels that I were to teach in order and the names (or the majority of the names) of the kids in each class, but I didn't have an lesson plans.

I would've gone over to his house to pick them up, but I couldn't because he was out of town by the time he asked me to sub for him.

I understand that it's not necessarily his fault that I couldn't get the lesson plans, maybe some last minute emergency came up and he couldn't make it into work today, but it's not my responsibility to write some up, for someone else's classes, either.

If there's a rule that says leave them in the work place, leave them in the work place and make it easier for someone who will cover a shift for you.

Either way, I went in early and made up some lesson plans before the classes.

I felt as though the classes I taught weren't well done because I was constantly saying "Um..", reading the lesson plan that I wrote in a rush to have one for each class, and I just wasn't confident in what I was saying.

Had I had lesson plans that were already made, I could've studied them and know what I was doing better, but I didn't have lesson plans and I didn't feel confident in what I was teaching.

When I got home, I have no other way to explain it other than I wasn't feeling all that great and it was because of my teaching shift.

You could say that I felt down about it, but I was also tired and frustrated, so overall I wasn't in a good mood.

It was as if I was disappointed in myself.

Something I realized today is that it's alright to be in a foul mood once you finish something or once you get home.

It's okay to go take a bath and relax, it's okay to stay in your bedroom alone, it's okay to listen to music so loud that you can't hear anything else, anything you want to do that can either distract you it help you relax from whatever event could've taken place.

When I get in a foul mood, I usually don't want to talk to anyone, and you don't have to. However, I would recommend for someone else's sake that if you don't want to talk to anyone yet you get a phone all or a text, tell them something along the lines of "Hey, I'm not feeling all that great at the moment, can I get back to you later?"

That way, you aren't hurting anyone, you aren't making others think that you're ignoring them and its a really polite way to say that you need some space for awhile.

You don't owe anyone anything and you don't have to pretend to be all cheerful when you're honestly in a foul mood, everyone gets that way at times.

Take whatever time you need to just breathe and relax because you owe that to yourself.

i've said this many times before, but your own health comes first, so don't feel as though you have to entertain for other people because you don't.

Take a moment for yourself, and make that moment however long you need it to be.

One More Girl, no longer online

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