Sunday, 3 May 2015

Messages In Different Formats

Over centuries, messages have been delivered in many different formats.

Messages can be expressed in the form of music, art, quotes, rallies/protest, letters, stories, facial expression, photos and poetry.

There's so many ways to get one message's amazing if you think about it.

Personally, music is a big one for me because you can interpret the message from the lyrics and also the instrumental music. With some songs, it can be sad lyrics yet an upbeat tempo and I find that the message getting across is that someone can be feeling the most intense pain ever, but they always try to cover it up by being happy or not drawing attention to it.

With art, people love that because there's the artist intentions of the message and then the viewers interruption of the message.

It's the same for photos, really. Maybe my reason for taking the photo is different than what you think was my reason to.

Whenever getting a message across had to do with words on a page, so letters, quotes or stories, there's always the literal message and then the message you read in between the lines.

I've never been great a deciphering the messages in poetry. I know that there's always a second meaning to every poem, but I focus more on the one right in front of me.

When I hear or read the poem for the first time, I really do understand the literal meaning of the message, but it will take me a few times to understand the hidden message.

That's why I like direct poems.

I love poems where I don't have to figure out the message. I love poems that when I hear or read it once, I can't stop thinking about it, it's running through my mind for the rest of the day.

There's this one poem I heard awhile ago and ever since then, I've probably listened to it once each day.

The poem is called 21 by Patrick Roche.

It's the poem about how having an alcoholic family member has affected the different years of his life. More so, what he remembers what happened during different years of his life.

We hear stories about people being alcoholics and how families are negatively affected, yet we never quite understand to what extent the family members are affected in bad cases.

When I heard this poem for the first time, my stomach dropped.

I had this knot in my stomach that wouldn't go away.

I can't say that because I heard this poem, I know what his experience was like because in all reality, I don't. What I got out of the poem is what it's really like for them, how bad a relapse affects everyone.

When you read something yourself, you can picture it in your mind, but it's also easier to forget.

When you hear someone else read what they wrote or tell a story of their own experience, you can feel the emotions that they felt. They have passion and truth behind each word that they say. You can't forget their words, no matter what.

So to leave you guys, here's the video of the poem that I watched. If you've watched it already, let me know what you thought of it! If you've never watched it before, please take a minute to watch it, I promise that it's worth it.

One More Girl, no longer online

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