Sunday, 31 May 2015


In our present day and age, we have access to some pretty amazing technology.

With all the cellphones, laptops, TVs, watches and tablets, we're surrounded by technology that is starting to do more and more for us.

For example, with the new Apple Watch, you can listen to music, read text messages and more all from a device that's supposed to show you the time.

All this technology is helping us advance in the human race, it helps us evolve, but it's also causing us to devolve as people.

I'll admit that in the past, I've chosen to listen to music with both my headphones in rather than to have a conversation with my family, hell I'll probably continue to do so.

I just didn't realize how bad things got until this evening.

Tonight I was going to have an actual sit down meal with my family because we don't have those often, so when my parents called down to my sister in the basement to come up and eat, she refused. She said that she had too much homework to do, yet I could hear the TV blaring.

It's normal for people to do other things while doing homework, but if we didn't have TVs, laptops or anything along those lines, what are the chances of our homework being done faster?

Anyway, my sister didn't come up to eat so it ended up just being my parents and I.

I was sitting on the backside of the table and my parents were sitting across from me. 

Where they were sitting, they could just turn their heads a little bit and see the TV that my dad left on.

No one said a word throughout dinner because my parents were both more interested in the movie playing on the TV rather than having a conversation which each other.

I've never been one to initiate conversations nor have I been known to maintain one in my family, but it's really noticeable when there's no one talking.

I can't say that technology is making us more antisocial because it's helped me make friends and keep the ones I have that live in different parts of the county and/or the world. It helps me keep in touch with my cousin who's in a different country.

Even though it keeps me close from the people far away from me, I feel like it's making me further away from the people that are close to me.

When you ask someone what their thoughts on technology are, you'll probably hear a wide range of answers.

You might hear people say that they absolutely love it, that wouldn't know how they'd live without it.

Others might say it's the worse thing that's happen to us because it's starting to take over every little thing that we do.

My point of view on, like I mentioned before, is that although it brings you closer to those farther away, it takes you farther away from those who are closer to you in person.

If I were to stop and think about it for a minute, I could've easily wrote all of this down in a journal rather than posting it on the Internet with the help of technology. I don't have an actual reason as to why, I guess I thought that this would help me reach out to other people around the world who feel the same way that I do. 

I thought I could make a difference.

I'm using technology for something that I could've easily done with pen and paper, but I thought that my blog could help someone else, so I decided to use technology to write. If I look at the reason as to why I'm using technology and the Internet, it seems like a reasonable answer. 

If someone were to ask me the question as to why have a blog instead of a diary or journal and I were to say "Because it's easier and there's spellcheck," that's when I would reevalute the reason as to why I started to write my blog in the first place.

If you realize you forgot your phone at home and your going out all day with friends who's phone you could use in emergencies, would you still want to go back and get your own phone?

How many of you sleep with your phone right next to you, either on the bed, the bedside table or the floor? Why do our priorities lie within the possibility of getting a text or a call at three in the morning rather than our sleep?

I guess the real question is are you able to disconnect when you want to, or do you get anxious when you go for a certain amount of time without any electronic device and can only concentrate on that? Is it almost like you have a fear of being without your device?

One More Girl, no longer online

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