Wednesday, 27 May 2015

My First Job Interview

There's always a first time for everything. First word, first steps, first birthday, first day of school, etc.

Everything has its beginning.

Tomorrow, I have my first job interview and I couldn't be anymore nervous for it.

In all honesty, it's not an interview for a job, it's an interview for a volunteering position, but because I'm bilingual there's a chance that I could be hired part-time after a little while of volunteering, so I'm considering this as if it's an interview for a job.

I'm applying to work at an immigration museum in my town, and I'm really excited about it.

I'm excited because I love history, I find it fascinating how if one little detail in the past happened differently, it could've completely changed the course of the present and the future. When working in an immigration museum, you're helping people learn about their ancestor, and there's nothing better than the look people get when they're able to learn about there family.

However, just because I'm excited for it and it's something that I'm passionate about, that doesn't mean that I'm not nervous for it.

Because it's something I'm excited and passionate about, I want this opportunity so bad and I don't want to mess it up.

I went to go see my school's guidance counsellor today to ask her about what type of questions they could ask, how to prepare myself, what I should know in advance, things like that.

It really did help me understand more about what could possibly happen during the interview and the process of it.

After that, I went to go talk to my social studies teacher because she's been to the museum many times and she told me more about the museum itself. Mainly about where the immigrants came from and what time period.

I feel as though I'm set for now. I know what I should read and study about before the interview, I feel as though I already have answers for a few questions, I'm proud for feeling confident about myself over this.

It hasn't happen yet, so the interview could go either way. I just really hope it goes well.

If anyone else is having their first interview for their first job or even an interview for a new job, don't be afraid to ask questions about the interview to friends and family before you go in. You don't have to prepare yourself for it on your own, you can always get help.

One More Girl, no longer online

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