I was tagged by the incredibly kind, sweet and amazing makinglifeacamera to do the love/hate tag. I haven't read too any of the Love/Hate Tag posts by other bloggers, but I'm super excited to be nominated and to be able to read more posts!
The rules:
- State 10 things you love and 10 things you hate.
- Tag 10 other bloggers to do the challenge.
Ten Things I Love:
- Music. I love playing either my guitar or bass, I love listening to music or anything involved with music.
- Photography. It's the worst when I get to the place and I think to myself that I should've brought my good camera (Canon Rebel T5i), but I love it when I remember to bring it along with me!
- Talking to my friends. I love to feel connected with the world and talking with my friends is a great way to do so.
- Teaching little kids. I'm a swim teacher, and I love it when a smaller kid realizes that they can do something by themselves for the first time ever.
- Waking up to rain. It gives off a calming effect for me.
- Learning about history. I also work in an immigration museum and I find the history of immigration fascinating. I also find the stories of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table even more fascinating.
- This might seem a little odd a first, but I love contact. Whether it's a hug, holding hands or someone playing with my hair, I love having the feeling of knowing that someone is right there.
- Dogs. I absolutely adore dogs, especially mildly big dogs such as Golden Retrievers, Labs, Duck Tollers, so on and so forth. My grandmother has a cross between a Golden Retriever and a Duck Toller and we're pretty good pals. When my family dog sitted her, I admit to spending the most time with her because I hogged her for myself.
- Reading. I love how reading can easily put me in a different time era or an unimaginable situation which makes me imagine what I would do in a character's place.
- Youtube. I might spend a total of an hour or two on there a day...but that's okay for now...
Ten Things I Hate:
- Tomatoes. I never grew to like them and I especially hate cherry tomatoes.
- When I lose things. I was handed a slip of paper with my next shifts on them for working at the museum, and let's just say that I'll be looking for it once I finish this blog post.
- When my eyeliner looks perfect on one eye, yet on the other it looks uneven. This still happens to me and it's frustrating at times.
- When the apps on my phone randomly shut down. I'll try to look for work emails, but my phone will freeze and shut the app. I'll just start turning my phone off more.
- Insanely loud environments. I'm not a fan of walking into a place when I didn't expect loud noises. I'm fine at concerts per example, but not school dances or events at school in general.
- Being a perfectionist. I feel as though nothing is ever good enough. For example, I can take photos at the same angle and with the same lighting, but I could stare at them for hours trying to figure out which one is the better photo.
- Walking around alone in the dark. If I have a friend with me, then I actually enjoy it, but when I'm alone, I jump at every little sound.
- Math. I've never been a fan of the class or the subject in general, but it must be done.
- When people don't know where to cross the line. You don't know who around you can overhear what you think is a hilarious rape or race joke, there are subjects that you should never joke about.
- Writing on a partition for music. My music teacher from last year would have student highlight specific things on the partition. I could never bring myself to write on my partitions, let alone highlight specific elements.
There you go! Thats the Love/Hate Tag and I had a great time writing this!
I nominate:
Please let me know if I spelt your blog name wrong or the link isn't quite right and I'll fix it right away! I hope that you all decided to do this tag, I'll look forward to reading them!
One More Girl, no longer online
Thanks for nominating me :)
ReplyDeleteSarah | Moved to: What Sarah Writes
It's my pleasure! I love your blog! :)x
DeleteThank you so much for your kind words! I love dogs so much too! I have one and she's so sweet!! Completely agree with you on the walking alone in the dark, it always feels like I'm in a horror film!!!
Thanks once again for nominating me for this tag; you're so sweet! Dogs are the best companion possible in my opinion :)xx
DeleteThanks for nominating me :))
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to! I love your blog posts! :)x
DeleteAAA This is super fun to read! thanks for sharing:) Do you want to support each other's blog by following each other?:) Please let me know if you do so I can follow you right back x
Thank you for the nomination :-) x
ReplyDeleteI'm more than happy to! Your blog is amazing! xx
DeleteThank you very much <3 x
DeleteThank you! I'll definitely check out your blog! :)xx