Wednesday, 2 September 2015

First Day Back To School

As many of you know, this summer I decided to change quite a bit and that includes schools and completely changing school boards.

Today was my first day of school and it wasn't...disastrous.

Two girls on my softball team are also attending the school, so I was going to meet up with them before classes started, but I'm not in any of their classes.

I was the first one out of us three to get to the school, so I spent a good five minutes standing around on my own in a crowded hallway, pretending to be interested in something on my phone.

When one of my friends showed up, I felt a lot more at ease.

We waited a bit until our other friend came and she showed us to our classes (because I never got a proper orientation to the school and my friend is coming from being homeschooled), so I wasn't the first one in the classroom.

On the contrary, it was quite full.

Honestly, it's one of my biggest fear to walk in a quiet room full of people that I don't know.

The people I knew at the school were all in different classes. At times there were kids that I knew from seeing around town, but there was no one in my class that I properly, previously, knew.

My heart was pounding and I got so worried that I went straight for the back of the class and didn't make eye contact with anyone.

It remained like that for my next class, too, but it got better from there.

I had English class and I ended up sitting next to a girl who knew me a little bit because she saw me teaching swimming lessons and recognized me, so we chatted for a bit and she's really nice.

During English, the teacher had us write up a little one minute presentation about ourselves so she could get to know us a little better and for our classmates to learn something about us.

Presentations took place today and more are happening tomorrow, but I went today.

It was awful, I was shaking, my heartbeat sped up again, I felt as though I was stumbling over words, I was at lost for words and I just wanted to leave the room.

I didn't though, I stuck with it and got it done and I was happy with myself for that.

I'm not great with oral presentations, especially in a place where I don't know anyone, but as soon as I got that over with, I felt a lot better.

By the time lunch ended and I had to go to my third class, I felt better. I got the worst part of the day over with and I spoke in front of the class.

By the end of third period, I had talked to a total of three people (including the girl from English class) and they were all really friendly.

It was funny because I was talking to a guy in my class and as you all might know I'm bilingual, and transferring terminology from math and science will be the hardest thing for me, but I struck up a deal with him that if he helps me in math, I'll help him in French.

I was lucky today because I had an off-block/free period, so I got to go home right after my third class.

Tomorrow and Friday I will have had a full school day (and school picture day on Thursday), so I'll have to give you guys my overall impression of the school (mainly just the classes I have this first semester) on Sunday after giving it some thought on Saturday.

First days are always the worst and always make people feel nervous, but as soon are you get over that one big drop where you get the most nerve wracking event over and done with, it's smooth sailing from there.

If you're nervous like I was, all you have to do is start a conversation with one person and you can stick by them during other classes. They could be just as nervous as you are and are more than happy to have you by their side.

I understand how difficult it can be to change schools and be in an environment with new people, so don't feel bad if you don't jump in and start talking to people right away. Take your time with it and go at a pace that you find comfortable.

There's only one first day, so as soon as that's done, it might be a little easier to breathe.

One More Girl, no longer online


  1. Glad that you had a good first day and everything turned out okay! I hope that you get on well on the full days!


    1. Thank you so much, you're so sweet! I hope everything goes well for you too! (that is if you're still classes or I hope that everything is going well at work!) :)xx
