Wednesday, 1 April 2015

How To Deal With A Big Project

I have to huge project that I have to present tomorrow and I have had nothing but nerves since the day we got assigned this project. I don't do well presenting or having a healthy schedule for actually working on the project. This post is for anyone like me, someone who doesn't have the proper motivation to move along with the project and someone who is terrified to present.

I found this information not too long ago, so hopefully I'll be able to remember it for tomorrow and also that someone else will find it useful. 

How to stay on task:

• Don't Multitask.
It will have your mind scatter over many different things and some probably stents as important as this huge project that you have to finish.

• Break Up The Project
Instead of looking at the project as one huge roadblock, look at it as many smaller parts. Also, it's better to get the dreaded part that you don't want to do done, because then it's over and done with.


How to relax during a project

• Take Breaks
There's no need to do 7 hours straight of work, overwhelm yourself and cause ever more stress for yourself.

•Reward Yourself
There's nothing wrong with taking a break and eating your favourite snack, going out with friends, watching a TV show, playing a video game, do whatever you'd like!. As long as you don't overextend this reward, there's no problem at all with it!

How To Deal With Presenting

• Slow It Down
Don't rush through sentences to get the project over and done with. Your brain will be on fast forward and you'll be more likely to stumble over a few words. Instead, take a small pause between paragraphs and take time to breath between sentences.

• Practice Makes Perfect
Practice your presentation before the actual presentation day. I know from experience that it is ALWAYS better to have had a few trial runs before you present the real thing. It helps make you feel more comfortable with your material, so don't feel ashamed to talk to a mirror once or twice!


I hope that these few tips can help someone else. I know that during my project breaks and researching these facts have helped me towards the end of my project. Hopefully it will be done for Monday. I just have to glue my text onto the poster board, find some images, download some music and practice! 

Also, always please remember that your health should always come before any school or work project. Please try to not lose sleep, don't skip meals to get it done, don't let stress build up, take care of yourself. 

No project is more important than you.

One More Girl, no longer online

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