Wednesday, 22 April 2015

The Story Of A Reject

Back in 7th grade, my best friend became good friends with another group of girls. 

I didn't see this as anything bad or threatening, I was happy for her! However, I was terrified of losing my best friend, so I felt inclined to also join that group of girls.

Everything was fine for awhile, I guess. They were nice and funny, but I knew I was never fully accepted by them. I was constantly out of the loop of things, never invited to plans that were being made right in front of me and things like that for months. It hurt, but I dealt with it to stay with my best friend.

I finally figured out that I really wasn't accepted there when I got called their charity case.

Fast forward a few years, I found myself some new friends that I got really close with. 

It wasn't the same as the other group. I was accepted by them, I was invited to things, it was almost the complete opposite and it was nice.

In the past few months though, I have felt as though I've become less and less accepted.

I wasn't (still not really) invited to things, I'm not included, I'm constantly being talked around and it's frustrating. 

I don't know what I did wrong, I don't know why I've been treated like this, but I never really did anything about it. I never called anyone out nor did I ever do what others have done to me.

I'm glad I never did those two things.

Today during lunch, there was something that unfolded between the group of friends that I'm supposedly apart of, and three of the girls were really upset.

I knew what happened, yet I tried not to say anything to make the situation worst. I simply went up and helped them.

This was a time that they really needed someone and I'm glad that I could be there for them. 

Although past events have happened, you have to put all of that behind you at some point and do the humane thing.

Nothing ever goes to plan, and that also means friendships. If you think you can strengthen a friendship with someone, don't give up on them completely. 

Someday, they'll realize that you stuck around and that you were there for them when they needed you , and they'll be thankful. They won't befriend you over again out of pity, but they'll realize just how lucky they are to have someone so loyal and caring.

One More Girl, no longer online 

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