Today's been a pretty special day seeing as it's my parents 20th wedding anniversary.
Although they both had their own things to do today -my dad had to work and my mom was out helping my grandmother- they were going out to dinner together.
I wasn't expecting my dad to open the door to our basement when he got home from work and yell down to ask me where I wanted to go for supper.
It's their anniversary, not mine! They should've gone out just the two of them for a date night like I originally thought that they were going to do.
I thought that it would be only the three of us because my sister often goes out with her friends after work and my parents and I have gone out without her on many occasions, but my parents said that we were going to wait for my sister to get home because she would be coming out with us.
My sister and I never really get on that well.
Sure, we have our sister moments where everything is fine, we get along and talk to each other, but most of the time we stay clear from each other or argue.
Definitely when we're out in public, when know when to draw the line, so usually we don't really talk to each other then either.
Today though, we put our differences aside for our parents.
It wasn't something that we discussed and agreed on, but it was something that we knew needed to happen.
Admittedly, we put our parents under a lot of stress with all of our jobs, last minute plans, arguments, etc., so we had to do something nice for them, especially today.
In the end, family is something bigger than us and sometimes you'll have to make small sacrifices to make other family members happy. Sometimes you'll have to make compromises on something that you're not all that happy about for a better end result.
We can't pick the family that we have, so you learn quickly that family can be about compromises and sacrifices for others because family is there to stay whether you like it or not. It doesn't have to be about parents and siblings alone, it could be about aunts, uncles, cousins or anyone that you define as family.
Overall, happy 20th anniversary mom and dad, I love you guys.
One More Girl, no longer online
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